Swallowed Star
Embark on a Thrilling Post-Apocalyptic Adventure with 'Swallowed Star'. In a world marred by chaos and disaster, the sudden appearance of the enigmatic RR virus plunged Earth into an abyss of destruction. Infected animals underwent horrifying mutations, unleashing monstrous horrors upon humanity. Faced with impending doom, survivors rallied behind massive walls, establishing base cities as the last bastions of human existence. This harrowing era of suffering became known as the Great Nirvana period. Amidst this harsh reality, humanity's physical prowess saw an unprecedented evolution. Martial arts flourished, and humans transcended their former limitations, giving rise to a new breed: warriors. Among them, an ambitious 18-year-old named Luo Feng aspires to become one of the elite. On the cusp of taking his college entrance exam, Luo Feng's life takes a dramatic turn when a monster attack alters his fate forever. As the base city's residents teeter on the brink of…
Swallowed Star Episode 1 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 2 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 3 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 4 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 5 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 6 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 7 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 8 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 9 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 10 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 11 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 12 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 13 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 14 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 15 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 16 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 17 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 18 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 19 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 20 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 21 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 22 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 23 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 24 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 25 Sub indo, Swallowed Star Episode 26 Sub indo
Embark on a Thrilling Post-Apocalyptic Adventure with 'Swallowed Star'. In a world marred by chaos and disaster, the sudden appearance of the enigmatic RR virus plunged Earth into an abyss of destruction. Infected animals underwent horrifying mutations, unleashing monstrous horrors upon humanity. Faced with impending doom, survivors rallied behind massive walls, establishing base cities as the last bastions of human existence. This harrowing era of suffering became known as the Great Nirvana period. Amidst this harsh reality, humanity's physical prowess saw an unprecedented evolution. Martial arts flourished, and humans transcended their former limitations, giving rise to a new breed: warriors. Among them, an ambitious 18-year-old named Luo Feng aspires to become one of the elite. On the cusp of taking his college entrance exam, Luo Feng's life takes a dramatic turn when a monster attack alters his fate forever. As the base city's residents teeter on the brink of annihilation, only one warrior steps forward to defend their safety. Infected by the warrior's strength, Luo Feng secretly vows to become a warrior and protect his loved ones. Thus begins Luo Feng's extraordinary journey as a warrior, a legend in the making. But the road ahead is treacherous, marked by the relentless external challenges that shape him. Raised in impoverished circumstances, with parents unable to offer much assistance, Luo Feng relies on sheer determination and self-reliance. With unwavering resolve, Luo Feng harnesses his untapped potential, recognizing his newfound abilities and self-worth. He not only shoulders the responsibility of supporting his family but also joins forces with other righteous warriors to combat vicious monsters, safeguarding humanity's homeland and securing a better future. In the face of impending apocalypse, can Luo Feng and his fellow warriors fend off the monstrous menace and ensure the survival and prosperity of the human world? Discover the thrilling and heart-pounding adventure of 'Swallowed Star,' where courage, unity, and determination reign supreme in a world on the brink of extinction. Watch full Online-1080p: 吞噬星空 第二季 – Tunshi Xingkong 3nd Season – Swallowed Star Season 03
Swallowed Star (Tunshi Xingkong) - 《吞噬星空》